Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jim Crow Laws

So I know that the Jim Crow Laws were introduced in the last section, but I thought this was a really good site, so I should share it anyway.

On this site I found a whole bunch of things that I never knew, like Jim Crow laws weren't just in the south, they were almost as bad in the rest of the country.



  1. Thats really interesting. I did not know that before either. Its sad that those type of laws were allowed back then. It seems like it should not fit into the constitution.

  2. Wow, thats interesting, I researched that for my To Kill a Mockingbird essay last year, and I spent a while trying to find out Jim Crow was, but as it turns out, he's not a real person, just a name for the laws,.

  3. That is alot of laws. Its still shocking to see how much hatred there wsa back then.

  4. For me, the most shocking part was that they weren't only in the South, they were as much in the South as they were in the rest of the country.
