Saturday, September 10, 2011

Blog Post-pgs 1-104

Heyy :) I hope I'm writing a blog post for the correct pages, I think it's supposed to be meeting-meeting. Anyways, I thought that this was a very interesting way to start the story. Once all the characters were established, the plot started. The two things I was most interested in were Skeeter's relationship with Constantine, and her dissapearance, and the very secretive Miss Celia. Like we talked about in our meeting, Skeeter recalls seeing a picture of a white girl at Constantine's house, and wondering who it was. Aibileen also mentions so Skeeter about Constantine having a baby girl, who was white, so she had to give her up. Maybe the girl in the picture was Constantine's daughter, but when she was pale as a baby, people assumed she was cheating on her husband and chased her away? I'll bet it would be a huge deal for a white woman to cheat on her husband, but a black woman? Completely unacceptable. As for Miss Celia, I don't know why she's so secretive, but she obviously can't cook for her life, so how has she lied to Mr. Johnny all these years? And how will she continue lying? And what's so bad about her husband that she's terrified to the bone about admitting to him that they have a black maid. If he ever finds out, what will he do to Minny? I hope you guys like this and comment and stuff :) yay loud group

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