Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Help (pgs. 105-213)

I really liked this section and the book so far. I love Aibileen and I think she is just the sweetest to Mae Mobley. When Aibileen was teaching her how to go to the bathroom, because her mom refused to, even though Aibileen knows about a thousand times more than Miss Leefolt in any subject (other than how to fake fitting in with the other socialites). And now, Mae Mobley tries to use the colored bathroom, and her mom hates that. Also, I hate how her mom hates that she's a 'fat' baby. Mae Mobley probably will never be how her mother wants her to be, and that is just so sad, because Miss Leefolt's not changing her ways any time soon.
The story about the segregated hospitals, was just horrible, and I'm sure thats actually happened though, thats the worst part.
I really liked meeting Mister Johnny, but I'm still confused about Miss Celia. And, I can't understand why Mister Johnny would have gone out with Hilly for so long...
I'm really worried about what Hilly is going to say about Skeeter now that she knows. Or how much she knows. And lastly, I'm wondering whats going on with Skeeter's mom that she's not telling anybody about.

1 comment:

  1. I know! I get so frustrated with the characters sometimes, i just want to throw the book across the room! arg! I really dont like Miss Hilly and Miss Leefolt.
