Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Aibileen- Old dogs CAN learn new tricks

Hey you guys,
So this week's reading was the last we'll ever have because the book is ending :( But I personally LOVED the way it ended.......I thought it was really sweet and really thoughtful and it was just so powerful when Aibileen walked off I started crying :'( But in general I thought it was perfect. One excerpt that I especially paid attention to was:
"The sun is bright but my eyes is wide open. I stand at the bus stop like I been doing for forty-odd years. In thirty minutes, my whole life's......done. Maybe I ought to keep writing, not just for the paper, but something else, about all the people I know and the things I seen and done. Maybe I ain't too old to start over, I think, and I laugh and cry at the same time at this. Cause just last night I thought I was finished with everything new." -pg 522, last paragraph of the book
I think it's really interesting how even though Aibileen is old, and has been through a lot, she's still wise and open to new things. Although her life is almost over she's still looking far ahead. I guess old dogs can learn new tricks.


  1. Ya i loved the ending to. Its like a new beginning for all of them, which they all needed desperately. I was surprised that Skeeter's mother did not die, but thats kinda random. Anyway, Aibileen's ending was sad, but her reaction was inspiring. If i were Mae Mobley, I would never forget her and all that she taught me.
    p.s. Sarah, Siggi, Rachel, Gracie, I'm so sad, lit circles are almost over!! Cherio to the day, mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (5 doors, 10 minute=new record!)

  2. I didn't like the ending only because I would have liked more closure, but I did think that paragraph was so inspirational and wonderful.
