Friday, October 14, 2011

8C help vlog

After hours of writing, rehearsing, filming, editing, and yes, uploading, 8C is ready to present their (unintentionally comical) vlog!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Poor Starving Children of Africa

Well I know most of us have finished the book but I think its worth commenting on how the league raised money for "Poor Starving Children of Africa" when they are mistreating the african american people in their own town. Why do you think the league chooses to support the people in africa more then their own neighbors.

The Ending

So a lot of people have been saying they loved the ending, and to be honest I didn't. I'm very particular about endings, and I didn't think this one was great. I liked the way Minny's ended, but I wish we had heard about Skeeter doing great in New York, maybe a little epilogue and like a wedding invitation or something. And I wish Aibileen hadn't been fired, only because I would have liked to see if Abilieen had been able to change Mae Mobley.
I would have liked to see Miss Celia have a healthy baby, and maybe Stuart at Skeeters wedding, or reading the invitation and wishing he hadn't broken up with her, but maybe him reading it now? after realizing its not bad.

Also, I wish I'd've seen Hilly get her comeuppance. Or more of it I guess.

Like I said, I'm very particular, and I didn't think it was terrible, but not great.

Song mentioned in The Help

Hey guys,
first of all, I thought the ending was perfect, not predictable, not unrealistic, just right.
Anywho, as I was reading the acknowledgements at the end, and Kathryn Stockett thanked people for letting her mention the song "Times they are a-changin" which brought me back when Skeeter listens to that song in her car. I think the reason Stockett chose this song was because at the time in the book where it is mentioned, Skeeter is going through all sorts of tough times in her life, which I really like how they connected it.

So incase anyone wanted to listen to the song I found a live performance by Bob Dylan on youtube

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Aibileen- Old dogs CAN learn new tricks

Hey you guys,
So this week's reading was the last we'll ever have because the book is ending :( But I personally LOVED the way it ended.......I thought it was really sweet and really thoughtful and it was just so powerful when Aibileen walked off I started crying :'( But in general I thought it was perfect. One excerpt that I especially paid attention to was:
"The sun is bright but my eyes is wide open. I stand at the bus stop like I been doing for forty-odd years. In thirty minutes, my whole life's......done. Maybe I ought to keep writing, not just for the paper, but something else, about all the people I know and the things I seen and done. Maybe I ain't too old to start over, I think, and I laugh and cry at the same time at this. Cause just last night I thought I was finished with everything new." -pg 522, last paragraph of the book
I think it's really interesting how even though Aibileen is old, and has been through a lot, she's still wise and open to new things. Although her life is almost over she's still looking far ahead. I guess old dogs can learn new tricks.

The Ending

I finished the book yesterday and have been thinking about how it ended. In my opinion, I was very disappointed in the ending with Aibeleen walking off from the Leefolt's house. What did you think? My problem is that I am not quite sure how I wanted the book to end, so I guess I will just have to settle for this ending. Do you like or dislike the ending? How would you have wanted it to end?


On the front of all our books, it says "one of the most important pieces of fiction since To Kill a Mockingbird". I agree with this 100%
In the Help, To Kill A Mockingbird is mentioned several times.
"God, I am the town's Boo Radley, just like in To Kill a Mockingbird." (pg. 414)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Help

This week's reading was probably the most hilarious of the whole book. Everything about the assigned reading was funny. From Miss Celia's dress to Minny pooping in the pie, the reading went very fast, and was very enjoyable.

What Will Leroy think?

So I've been thinking about how everyone is worried about what Hilly will do and say to everyone in Jackson, but after seeing how Leroy abuses and hits Minny, even for no reason, I've been wondering,
What do you think he will do when he finds out about the book?
Will he be happy because his wife was changing the world, or will he hit her even more for even trying something so dangerous?

What do you think his reaction will be and do you think it will be dependent on the rest of Jackson's reactions?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Will Mae Mo be the same as the others?

Aibileen has mentioned a few times, how she takes care of children, and then when they grow older they turn into their parents. They turn into demanding, unloving adults. Do you think Mae Mo will follow this pattern, do you think she will turn into another "one of them"?